Phytopet Skin Aid 30ml

Phytopet Skin Aid 30ml
Price: £7.99

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Fast acting liquid botanical extract. Easy to administer, just add drops to food or water. Economical to use, drop dosage.

A combination of botanical extracts to help skin and coat condition. Gently detoxifying the body by improving bowel function and supporting lymph drainage. Cooling herbs help reduce inflammation and irritation.

Useful for dogs prone to smelly, itchy, greasy coats. Feet biting. Also useful for dogs that are prone to anal gland problems.


- Calendula (Calendula officinalis):

Cooling, anti-inflammatory useful for inflammed, irritating skin conditions.

- Nettle (Urtica dioica):

Kidney supportive, helping to eliminate uric acid from the. Due to this cleansing action, Nettle is specific for chronic skin problems.

- Chamomile (Chamaemelum nobilis):

One of the herbalists most important plants, used for a variety of disorders. Its gentle cooling action make it specific for all forms of inflammation especialy inflammation and irritation of the skin.

- Burdock (Arctium lappa):

One of the most powerfull and effective blood tonics used by herbalists. Used for all kinds of skin disorders, especially psoriosis, acne and eczema.

- Blue Flag Root (Iris versicolor):

Used by herbalists for psoriosis, eczema and scrofulous skin disorders, this is due to Blue Flags cleansing effect on the lymphatic system.



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Pets Pantry NW Ltd - 45 London Road, Stockton Heath, Warrington, Cheshire. WA4 6SG - T: 01925 398 598