Formula H Concentrate 500ml
Stock: 1 in stock
Stock: 1 in stock
Formula H Concentrate 500ml is highly effective against; Canine parvovirus, Canine viral hepatitis, Kennel cough, Feline enteritis, Canine distemper, Rabies, Leptospirosis, Cat flu, etc.
Needs to be diluted as pet instructions on container.
- clean, fresh smell and contains Eucalyptus oil to repel flies and kill viruses
- contains environmentally friendly, safe to handle disinfectant
- contains a special ingredient which ensures the disinfectant stays on the surface for longer
can be used for disinfecting living and sleeping accommodation, in animal boxes, baskets and bedding, drinking bowls, on collars, leads, grooming
equipment and other accessories. - widely used by vets
Concentrate to be diluted.
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