Dorwest Symphytum 15C 100 pillette

Dorwest Symphytum 15C 100 pillette
Price: £7.50

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Dorwest Symphytum 15C for Dogs & Cats.

Being prepared from comfrey herb, whose old country name is Knitbone, it's not suprising that this remedy is used during the period following damage through strains and sprains and that it also supports healthy ligaments and tendons.


Give 3 times a day for 10 days.

Repeat after 10 days if neccessary.

The administration amount is always the same for any size or breed of animal but the frequency of administration varies according to the condition being treated: It is advised but not essential, to avoid giving homeopathic substances within 15 minutes of food or drink. Having taken advice from today's foremost homeopathic vets, we are pleased to be able to reassure clients that there is no need to discontinue giving garlic in any form while also giving homeopathic substances. This remedy has been compiled in consultation with homeopathic veterinary advisors to ensure that the substances offered are safe for you to give to your animals.
The tiny pillules can be administered straight into the mouth of the animal without being touched by the hand, as this should be avoided when giving homeopathic substances.


100 Pillules

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Pets Pantry NW Ltd - 45 London Road, Stockton Heath, Warrington, Cheshire. WA4 6SG - T: 01925 398 598